For playing and social membership to the Bishop's Stortford Cricket Club please contact Jen Lindop (Hon Sec) for a BSCC Membership Application Form - E:
For social membership to Bishop's Stortford Community Sports Club, where the applicant does not wish to be a member of the Cricket Club, please apply directly at the Charles Edwards Pavilion.
All subscriptions to be paid by 1st May 2025
Playing Members
Full Playing Members £180.00 (£240.00 if paid after 1st May)
Full Playing Lady Members £105.00 (£160.00 if paid after 1st May)
U18 - U21 Members in employment £95.00 (£150.00 if paid after 1st May)
U18 - U21 Members not in employment & full time students £80.00 (£100.00 if paid after 1st May)
* For all age groups up to U17s please complete the BSCC Junior Registration Form and follow the Junior Subscription payment details.
Non-playing Members
Non-playing Members £30.00
Non-playing Joint membership £40.00
OAP £10.00 minimum
The Club is grateful for any amounts paid in excess of the subscription as this is treated as a donation for which the club can claim Gift Aid.
Members of the Cricket Club will receive a Fixture Card and a Privilege Card which gives discount rates when purchasing items at the Bar. We also request all members join Pitchero to receive news/updates -
Subscriptions to be renewed every April.
1. To pay your subscription by the preferred method of bank transfer -
Account Name: BSCC
Sort Code: 40-12-03
Acc No: 81317393
Ref: SUBS (Your Name)
2. Payment by other method:
Please send sent to -
Jen Lindop, 6 Cecil Close, Bishop's Stortford CM23 5RD
All cheques payable to 'Bishop's Stortford Cricket Club'
MATCH FEES (Home and Away)
Match fees (£6) for senior games will be invoiced directly to players twice per season.
Prompt payment is expected.